Nick SYP


BFS and DFS for solving TSP

The following figure is the graphic representation of how BFS works. It navigates each city in the first depth starting from the start city. Then, it continues searching the second and third depth until every city has been scanned.


The below figure shows how DFS operates. The searching process is done by following through each branch of the search tree until the leaf of this tree has been reached. If the search pointer reaches the leaf of the branch, it moves to the nearest parent and continues to search from there.


The performance of both algorithms to find the shortest path is heavily dependent on the depth of the goal city in a search tree and a branching factor, considering the time complexity of O(b^d) where b is a branching factor and d is the depth. BFS is expected to perform better than DFS in case the target is close to the start city. On the other hand, DFS might possibly perform better if the target is somewhere deep in a search tree.

Definition Lists

Breadth First Search
Depth First Search

BFS and DFS to solve TSP in Matlab

The input example for 11 cities

The coordinates of 11 cities used in the example.

Cities X coordinate Y coordinate
City 1 5.6818 63.8604
City 2 11.8506 83.9836
City 3 13.7987 65.0924
City 4 16.8831 40.4517
City 5 23.7825 56.2628
City 6 25.0000 31.2115
City 7 29.9513 41.6838
City 8 31.3312 25.2567
City 9 37.1753 37.5770
City 10 39.9351 19.0965
City 11 46.8344 29.9795

The following table represents the one-way path connection of cities (left = from and top = to). For instance, the first row represents that the transition is allowed from city 1 to one of city 2, 3 and 4. From the given table, branching factor of the search tree is 3.

Cities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1   X X X              
2     X                
3       X X            
4         X X X        
5             X X      
6               X      
7                 X X  
8                 X X X
9                     X
10                     X

I hard-coded the both above tables as below for the demonstration purpose.

The following code block is the implementation of BFS to solve TSP in Matlab.

The following code block is the implementation of DFS to solve TSP in Matlab.

The implementation of DFS can be done by calling a function recursively until every path to the target city has been found.

The distance between two cities are calculated as below.

The figure below shows the shortest path and its length from the 11 city dataset input. TSP_BFS_DFS_result

Both BFS and DFS shows the identical results, but the searching transition history is different as below;

Transit from 1 to 2 : count = 1 Transit from 1 to 2 : count = 1
Transit from 2 to 3 : count = 2 Transit from 1 to 3 : count = 2
Transit from 3 to 4 : count = 3 Transit from 1 to 4 : count = 3
Transit from 4 to 5 : count = 4 Transit from 2 to 3 : count = 4
Transit from 5 to 7 : count = 5 Transit from 3 to 4 : count = 5
Transit from 7 to 9 : count = 6 Transit from 3 to 5 : count = 6
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 7 Transit from 4 to 5 : count = 7
Transit from 7 to 10 : count = 8 Transit from 4 to 6 : count = 8
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 9 Transit from 4 to 7 : count = 9
Transit from 5 to 8 : count = 10 Transit from 5 to 7 : count = 10
Transit from 8 to 9 : count = 11 Transit from 5 to 8 : count = 11
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 12 Transit from 6 to 8 : count = 12
Transit from 8 to 10 : count = 13 Transit from 7 to 9 : count = 13
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 14 Transit from 7 to 10 : count = 14
Transit from 8 to 11 : count = 15 Transit from 7 to 9 : count = 15
Transit from 4 to 6 : count = 16 Transit from 7 to 10 : count = 16
Transit from 6 to 8 : count = 17 Transit from 8 to 9 : count = 17
Transit from 8 to 9 : count = 18 Transit from 8 to 10 : count = 18
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 19 Transit from 8 to 11 : count = 19
Transit from 8 to 10 : count = 20 Transit from 8 to 9 : count = 20
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 21 Transit from 8 to 10 : count = 21
Transit from 8 to 11 : count = 22 Transit from 8 to 11 : count = 22
Transit from 4 to 7 : count = 23 Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 23
Transit from 7 to 9 : count = 24 Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 24
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 25 Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 25
Transit from 7 to 10 : count = 26  
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 27  
Transit from 3 to 5 : count = 28  
Transit from 5 to 7 : count = 29  
Transit from 7 to 9 : count = 30  
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 31  
Transit from 7 to 10 : count = 32  
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 33  
Transit from 5 to 8 : count = 34  
Transit from 8 to 9 : count = 35  
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 36  
Transit from 8 to 10 : count = 37  
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 38  
Transit from 8 to 11 : count = 39  
Transit from 1 to 3 : count = 40  
Transit from 3 to 4 : count = 41  
Transit from 4 to 5 : count = 42  
Transit from 5 to 7 : count = 43  
Transit from 7 to 9 : count = 44  
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 45  
Transit from 7 to 10 : count = 46  
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 47  
Transit from 5 to 8 : count = 48  
Transit from 8 to 9 : count = 49  
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 50  
Transit from 8 to 10 : count = 51  
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 52  
Transit from 8 to 11 : count = 53  
Transit from 4 to 6 : count = 54  
Transit from 6 to 8 : count = 55  
Transit from 8 to 9 : count = 56  
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 57  
Transit from 8 to 10 : count = 58  
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 59  
Transit from 8 to 11 : count = 60  
Transit from 4 to 7 : count = 61  
Transit from 7 to 9 : count = 62  
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 63  
Transit from 7 to 10 : count = 64  
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 65  
Transit from 3 to 5 : count = 66  
Transit from 5 to 7 : count = 67  
Transit from 7 to 9 : count = 68  
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 69  
Transit from 7 to 10 : count = 70  
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 71  
Transit from 5 to 8 : count = 72  
Transit from 8 to 9 : count = 73  
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 74  
Transit from 8 to 10 : count = 75  
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 76  
Transit from 8 to 11 : count = 77  
Transit from 1 to 4 : count = 78  
Transit from 4 to 5 : count = 79  
Transit from 5 to 7 : count = 80  
Transit from 7 to 9 : count = 81  
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 82  
Transit from 7 to 10 : count = 83  
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 84  
Transit from 5 to 8 : count = 85  
Transit from 8 to 9 : count = 86  
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 87  
Transit from 8 to 10 : count = 88  
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 89  
Transit from 8 to 11 : count = 90  
Transit from 4 to 6 : count = 91  
Transit from 6 to 8 : count = 92  
Transit from 8 to 9 : count = 93  
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 94  
Transit from 8 to 10 : count = 95  
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 96  
Transit from 8 to 11 : count = 97  
Transit from 4 to 7 : count = 98  
Transit from 7 to 9 : count = 99  
Transit from 9 to 11 : count = 100  
Transit from 7 to 10 : count = 101  
Transit from 10 to 11 : count = 102